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Originally born in Mexico, I was always curious about traveling, cultures and different languages. As soon as I could, I started to travel on my own at a very early age. I went to California, later on, I lived in France to learn French, and then Barcelona, and San Sebastian. My life took a big change the moment I discovered surf and I couldn't stop traveling for waves!

Long story short, after that, the typical life in an office didn’t have sense anymore. I started an amazing journey getting to know myself through a lot of experiences, new ventures, uncertainty and months spent in remote surf destinations. I deepened my yoga practice, fell in love with healthy food, and discovered how to live a mindful, conscious life.

I created the blog "From where you'd rather be" in 2013. A place to document my travels and inspire others to travel more.

Here you can find a few collections of the different travels I've done through the years. 

To know more about me follow my Instagram, or find me on Linkedin to know more about my professional life and other projects I work these days.


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